Thursday, March 21, 2019

Opposing Views

I often have students play devil's advocate when it comes to opposing views, but one student took a blog I found in opposition to her argument when she was wondering if her topic was controversial. She then quoted each opposing view, then added notes for rebuttals.

These are online students. I ask them to give me a rough draft of the Toulmin Method, then write scaffold paragraphs for each of those parts.

This same student thought of the claim, qualifier, and enthymeme as thesis statement. She wrote a wonderful introduction out of this!

Overall, these are changes in strategy I will use in the future.

Sharing in Pedagogy

This blog is the brainchild of my needing a place to remember what to update for future courses. I realized, I love reading blogs about pedagogy so I might as well open up my findings here in the spirit of community. Thanks for reading!